Engelsk A

Ny ordning

Tirsdag den 18. august 2020

Vejledning til opgavesættet

Du skal besvare følgende opgaver:
  • Assignment 1-3
  • Assignment 4A eller assignment 4B
Tekster til opgave 4:

4A: manuskript til tale:
  • “How does immigration impact the economy?”, a video, from CNBC website, 2018
  • “Sharp Cuts in Immigration Threaten U.S. Economy and Innovation”, an article, from The New York Times, 2019
  • “Hispanic Americans reflect on immigration, culture and identity”, a video, from CBS News website, 2019
  • “Donald Trump. Political Ad, 2018: Stop the caravan ad”, a video, from Youtube, 2018
4B: analyse af non-fiktion
  • “Why Do We Hate Immigrants”, an opinion article by Kevin Powell, 2019

Vejledning til opgaverne og skabelon
Den samlede eksaminationstid for opgave 1-4 er fem timer.

Det anbefales, at du skriver din besvarelse i skabelonen, som ligger under Template i menuen til venstre. Besvarelsen afleveres i ét dokument med opgaverne i rækkefølgen 1-4.

Henvisninger til tekst, video- og lydklip

Hvis du citerer, skal du angive kilde.
Alt anvendt materiale skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger. Til forklaring af grammatiske opgaver kan materialerne være på dansk.

Generel skabelon for henvisninger til tekster

Alle henvisninger angives i fodnoter

Ved assignments med én tekst kan henvisninger angives i parentes inde i teksten:

(l. 34): ved én linje
(ll. 35-37): ved flere linjer

Henvisning til kilderne (sources) i opgavematerialet
”In N.R.A. Fight, Companies Find There Is No Neutral Ground” (l. 15) eller (ll.15-17)

Henvisning til videoer i kilderne (sources) i opgavematerialet
”Why Americans Love Guns” (01:23-02:12)

Opslag i bog
“Verbet succeed”. Poul Tornøe, Get It Right. 2012. P. 94.

Henvisning til bog
Chimamanda Adichie, Americanah.2013. P. 54.

Opslag i i-bog
Typer af verber og deres former, Engelsk fortsættergrammatik -Questions and Answers.

Henvisning til antologi eller artikel
Coming of Age on the Internet”. Lars Ulrik Tambjerg-Ravn, World in Motion 2.0. 2012. P. 24.

Tekster i opgavesættet

Teksternes ortografi og tegnsætning følger forlæggene. Trykfejl er dog rettet.
Opsætningen følger ikke nødvendigvis forlæggene. Dog følges forlægget nøje, hvor opsætningen på den ene eller anden måde indgår i opgaven.

Assignment 1

Find og skriv to forskellige personlige pronominer, to forskellige possessive pronominer, to forskellige relative pronominer, et demonstrativt pronomen og et ubestemt pronomen i nedenstående tekststykke.

So you can guess how shocked and demoralized I feel in the aftermath of the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas, by a young white man who, just moments before he unleashed death and violence, posted a hate-filled, anti-immigrant manifesto that speaks of a “Hispanic invasion of Texas.” You can guess what it looks like to my eyes when I see the heartrending images of immigrant children and their families being held in detention centers. You can guess what it sounds like to my ears when I hear people—even some of our politicians—describe these immigrants in the most animalistic and anti-human ways. And you can guess what it feels like inside my heart to hear of the abuse, the neglect, and the pain we are inflicting on those we do not want inside of America, just because they are different from us in some way.
Why Do We Hate Immigrants? The Nation, 2019.

Assignment 2

Besvar opgave a, b, c og d med udgangspunkt i nedenstående tekst. Brug relevant grammatisk terminologi.

Otte verballed er understreget i nedenstående tekststykke. For hvert verballed angives verbets tid. Bestem for hvert verballed, om det står i simpel eller udvidet tid, og om det står i aktiv eller passiv form.

Find et eksempel på et adjektiv i positiv, et adjektiv i komparativ og et adjektiv i superlativ i nedenstående tekststykke.

1.  Fem adverbialer er markeret med fed skrift. Forklar adverbialernes placering i hver af sætningerne.

2.  Skriv to forskellige sætninger om immigration, hvori mindst et af adverbialerne indgår. Det samme adverbial må kun anvendes én gang. Marker dit adverbial med fed skrift.

Foretag en syntaktisk analyse af sætningen:

Without sustained immigration, economic growth will be notably slower.

Brug enten symboler [x, o, ⊗, Δ, □, ∼∼∼] eller grammatiske betegnelser. Vær opmærksom på, at alle sætningsled ikke nødvendigvis forekommer.

The first reason is the simplest. The growth rate of the economy comes from two parts: income growth per capita and population growth.

Birthrates generally plunge when countries get rich. Scholars debate the causes, but the inescapable fact of fewer babies results in an aging population in advanced economies. And the overall population is already shrinking, or will soon most likely be, in Japan, China, South Korea and much of Europe.

But that hasn’t been happening in the United States, at least not until now. Yes, the country is aging, and the baby boomers are retiring. But its population is expected to continue to grow by 90 million, from 327 million today, over the next 40 years or so, assuming immigration continues at its historical rates.

That assumption is critical, however. The only way the United States has avoided the demographic pressure facing other rich countries is through immigration. The census estimate of population growth includes around 1.4 million immigrants a year.

The birthrates for women born in the United States have been dropping, just as they have in other rich countries. The fertility “replacement rate” needed to sustain the existing population level is around 2.1 children per woman. But last year, the birthrate in the United States dropped to 1.73, approaching the dwindling rates in the European Union, China and Japan.

Without sustained immigration, economic growth will be notably slower. Moody Analytics analyzed the data and estimated that if annual United States immigration stayed at only 200,000 rather than a more normal one million, gross domestic product would be $1 trillion lower a decade from now.

Sharp Cuts in Immigration Threatens U.S. Economy. The New York Times, 2019.

Assignment 3

Du arbejder som indkøber i den britiske hotelkæde BusinessSleep.
I har modtaget en betalingspåmindelse fra jeres faste leverandør, HotelSoaps, om manglende betaling af en faktura for levering af sæber og shampoo. I sender derfor en e-mail til HotelSoaps, hvor I blandt andet beder om henstand med betalingen.

Dit svar skal indeholde information om:
  • den manglende betaling

  • hvilke udfordringer din virksomhed står overfor

  • forslag til midlertidige ændringer i betalingsbetingelserne

  • virksomhedens muligheder for fremtidig vækst

  • en øget fremtidig ordrevolumen.

Skriv e-mailen på engelsk til John Dove: john.dove@hotelsoaps.co.uk.

Omfang 200-250 ord

Assignment 4

Answer either assignment 4A or assignment 4B.

Assignment 4A

A Nation of Immigrants

You study American culture and history at Boston University. You have been asked to give a speech to your fellow students on trends in the current debate on immigration in the US.
In your speech, you discuss the impact of immigration on American identity, culture and economy.

Write the manuscript in English.

Word count: 800-1200 words

Use the following sources: Your essay must include references to the source material. All sources must be documented.

Assignment 4B

Why Do We Hate Immigrants?

Write an analytical essay in which you analyse the text ‘Why Do We Hate Immigrants?’ by Kevin Powell. Part of your essay must focus on language, linguistic features and forms of appeal. Based on your analysis, assess if Kevin Powell is successful in communicating his message.

Write the analytical essay in English.

Word count: 800-1200 words

Use the following source: All references must be documented.


Hent skabelonen til besvarelsen i menuen til venstre. Den indeholder sidehoved til dine eksamensoplysninger og felter til besvarelse af opgaverne. Husk at udfylde sidehovedet.


CNBC. How does immigration impact the economy? December 19, 2018. Viewed January 2020.

New York Times. Sharp Cuts in Immigration Threaten U.S. Economy and Innovation. October 11, 2019. Viewed January 2020.

The Nation. Why Do We Hate Immigrants? August 8, 2019. Viewed January 2020.

CBS News. Hispanic Americans reflect on immigration, culture and identity. October 7, 2019. Viewed January 2020.

Youtube. Donald Trump. Political Ad, 2018: Stop the caravan ad. Viewed January 2020.